
Install as a submodule:#

  • create a Monogame Cross Platform Desktop Project
  • clone or download the Nez repository: git clone
  • add the Nez.Portable/Nez.csproj project to your solution and add a reference to it in your main project
  • make your main Game class (Game1.cs in a default project) subclass Nez.Core

Linking default content#

If you intend to use any of the built in Effects or PostProcessors you should also copy or link the DefaultContent/effects folder into your projects Content/nez/effects folder and the DefaultContent/textures folder into Content/nez/textures. Be sure to set the Build Action to Content and enable the "Copy to output directory" property so they get copied into your compiled game. See the Nez.Samples csproj for an example on how to do this.

In dotnet core, you can link content files by adding the following into your project.csproj. If you are using FNA you should replace MG3.8Effects with FNAEffects

<Content Include="..\Nez\DefaultContent\MG3.8Effects\**">
<Content Include="..\Nez\DefaultContent\textures\**">
<Content Include="..\Nez\DefaultContent\NezDefaultBMFont.xnb">

Note: if you get compile errors referencing a missing project.assets.json file run msbuild Nez.sln /t:restore in the root Nez folder to restore them.

If you are using a .NET Core main application and want to switch the Nez projects over to .NET Standard 2.0, run the following command in a terminal. On Windows it will require the linux subsystem terminal: find . -path Tests -prune -o -name 'Nez*.csproj' | grep -v Tests | grep -v Pipeline | xargs perl -pi -e 's/net471/netstandard2.0/g' You will also need to update the NuGet references in the Nez csproj files to point at the MonoGame dotnet Core versions.

Install through NuGet:#

Note that using the NuGet packages isn't recommended. The source code has been carefully commented and contains a wealth of useful information. Use the NuGet packages to give Nez a test and if you like it consider switching to using the source code.

Add Nez to your project's NuGet packages. Optionally add the Nez.FarseerPhysics and Nez.Persistence NuGet packages.

Installing through NuGet, the contents of the DefaultContent content folder is also included in the package. You will find them under packages/Nez.{VERSION}/tools.

All Nez shaders are compiled for OpenGL so be sure to use the DesktopGL template, not DirectX! Nez only supports OpenGL out of the box to keep things compatible across Android/iOS/Mac/Linux/Windows.

If you are developing a mobile application you will need to enable touch input by calling Input.Touch.EnableTouchSupport().